FEBRUARY 23, 2021@10:30AM
1. The sun is shining. Temperatures are moving upward from the recent days of freezing rain and snow.
2. We are not in Texas today, a place of political rancor and natural disaster (or maybe unnatural).
3. The U.S. Senate Committee on Rules (I think it’s Rules) is meeting to delve into the events of January 6, 2021, to discuss and question the happenings of that day at the United States Capitol. The good thing of today - it began on a bipartisan basis as stated by the lead Senator, Amy Klobuchar.
4. My sister received her second Covid vaccine yesterday. She safely drove down the daunting icy hill that protects her home in her four-wheel drive vintage Jeep wagon and then geared up the ice when she came home with the biotics floating and merging inside her.
5. I’m going to my hairdresser this afternoon.
6. I finished watching THE QUEEN’S GAMBIT on Netflix and am now ready for Fran Liebowitz.
7. I have no clothes or sheets or towels or anything that needs to be washed today.
8. I finally figured out how to fashionably wear my wide cropped jeans in the winter with knee highs and boots that rise above the ankle to the calf.
9. I am wearing earrings – large hoops I purchased in a shop close to the waters surrounding Amelia Island. They don’t look as cheap as they were. I wonder why I haven’t worn them before during this Covid eon.
10. It’s really not an eon or whatever an eon is. It’s been a year of doubt, misery, loss - and gain. The loss of lifestyle, livelihoods, lives. The gain of a new, rational President, vaccine preventives, new and good literature, four distinct seasons, of an uptick in politeness, clearer skies and a broader understanding of less carbon, and those virtual stirring moments of musical creativity.
Plus 1 --- I wish it was enough.
Norma S. Tucker